Gel Nails Pics Nails : items designed and manufactured in order to create very natural-looking nails with Gel, by the extraordinary brilliance and more harmonious color.
Our Gel Nails Line arises from the needs of our staff to use highly professional Nails Supplies at our Brand Pics Nails, Nail Shop, able to satisfy the needs of every type of customer, to respect and safeguard the natural surface of the nail and always offer the best possible performance, giving great aesthetic value to your hands and your feet!
Gel Nails Products Pics Nails began with the consideration and the desire to create a nail by aspect, thinness, brightness and colour as pleasant as possible. Combining the expectations of the professional user, the final customer as well as respecting the qualitative rules imposed by our brand and the rigid lines of Ministerial control, our company has transfered its qualitative character providing a line of Nail Sculpting, Nail Extension and Gel Overlay Products that allows to adapt to all the requirements and demands.
The wide selection of Gel Nails treated by us arises from the needs of our staff to use inside our Pics Nails Nail Centers ,highly professional Nails Supplies to meet the needs of the client's imagination or desires, respecting the surface of the nail and offering the best performance possible to better exploit the delicate work of the Nail Technician also in the realization of a more advanced Nail Art.
Gel Nails Products…and not only!
Pics Nails has a catalogue of over 2500 articles to be able to provide their customers with all the Nails equipment and Nails accessories, Gel Nails, Nail Polishes, Gel Nail Polishes, Glitter Powders, Nail Files, Scissors, Hand and Nail Creams and many other products are also dedicated to Manicure Tools, Pedicure tools and materials in order to create Nails of any shape, length or colour.
In the careful selection of our products and accessories for Gel Nails, Nail Extensions and Gel Overlay, during the years, our Nail Master Giovanna Mary Fadda with her decades of experience in the Nail sector has been able to choose and personally test both colourations and formulations, combining with the valuable contributions from our assiduous customers, of our first Nail Saloon, to a collaboration with the best cosmetic laboratories in the world, now our commercial partners, giving life to our specific cosmetic lines for the brand Pics Nails in Gel Nails of the hands and feet.
The guarantee Pics Nails is given by the fact that we ourselves use andpersonally select all products listed in the catalogue. Nail Products and Nail tools that we guarantee are certified and used every day by our Nail Technician staff in our salons or in our customer salons that practice Gel Nails Extension and Gel Overlay.
In order to ensure professionalism to the operators of the sector, or to all those wanting to be inserted in this fantastic area, Pics Nails offers in addition, training packages aimed at informing and forming the Technicians that will operate in the fantastic world of Nail Gel System giving the whole practical and technical training necessary in order to carry out Nail Extension and Gel Overlay work or caring of the hands and feet, demanding an excellent and successful result . In order to deepen this topic visit Nail Technician Courses or visit also open a Nails Franchising.
Acrygel an innovative system born as a cross between Gel and Acrylic for Long-lasting Nails with an amazing effect.