Manicure and Pedicure Tutorials

The Manicure and Pedicure Tutorials created by Pics Nails for its Nails School are practical Guides Step by Step with free download in pdf format, created to satisfy the needs of who looks for a rapid and complete training concerning the aesthetic care of hands and feet.

Manicure Tutorial How to Apply Nail Polish

Manicure Tutorial How to Apply Nail Polish

With the Manicure Tutorial How to Apply Nail Polish every reader will learn the professional techniques and the small "tricks" for a correct application of the Traditional Nail Polish on your Nails or on your Customers ones during a work of Manicure or Aesthetic Pedicure!
A Free Step by Step Tutorial to save on your pc and read whenever you want!

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Each Guide can be saved on your Pc in a totally free way, to be read and studied whenever you want: it will be sufficient to carry out the free download of the Manicure and Pedicure Tutorial to save it in pdf format on your pc!
The Manicure and Pedicure Tutorials contain all the information necessary to deepen the main themes and working methods of this amazing sector, with photos concerning each working step and clear and detailed explanations!