Eyebrow Tweezers Pics Nails is our Online Catalog space reserved for different types of tweezers proposals by Pics Nails: Professional, Decorated, Colored, Glitter! Work tools increasingly requested and used by every woman who want to take care of their aesthetic appearance with professionalism, security and extreme accuracy!
Eyebrow Tweezers Pics Nails: a wide range of different models of professional Tweezers, to satisfy all the aesthetic tastes and the professional needs: from the Funny Decorated Tweezers to the Glamour Glitter Tweezers, up to Professional Tweezers!
The Eyebrows Tweezers can also be useful tools for Nail Art and Nails Extension works, to pick up a Nail Decoration (Rhinestones, Mini Nails Decorations, Nail Tattoos etc) and position them with precision, speed and ease on the Nail surface!
In time many cosmetics professionals, to refine aesthetic areas, have recommended and still recommend to use tweezers instead of waxing (when possible). This is because the waxing, in the long run, causes a relaxation of the skin due to the greater surface subjected to the "tearing" with respect to the surface that is subjected by the tweezers.
The Eyebrows Tweezers in fact, to claim this characteristic, should ensure a solid and precise grip.
The accuracy of the same is given by the type of cut that each tweezers has, for different results will exist different cuts and therefore different tweezers.
The Pics Nails Professional Eyebrow Tweezers will ensure that "solid grip", allowing you not to stress too much the skin due to little gripping tweezers.
In the Pics Nails Eyebrow Tweezers Line you will find 4 main models: